
Thursday, April 22, 2010

My sustainablity study

Greetings This is the first post of many promoting the Greenhouse barter bakery project. As part of my bachelors degree through The Evergreen State College (Olympia, WA)I am using an individual learning contract to explore living as locally as possible. I am studying alternative trading systems (New Zealand has a couple established trading networks-at least) and I will be trading my baked goods for whatever I can use for living. I have traded bread for fish, even abalone and for fresh vegetables, honey, labor, plant/cat sitting and eggs. With the initial production goal of 80 loaves per week, I expect the list to grow. What this means to you folks close by in New Zealand (Karekare and Piha) is that they can enjoy fresh locally produced artisan baked goods in exchange for your goods and services or cash.

Here is a little orientation about myself. I am Kate Stone. I have been a curious cook my whole life and professional baker for 30 years. I trained with Peter Reinhart at the Culinary Institute of America. I have also learned by working with a handful skilled bakers over the years. Very valuable experience came from operating my own restaurant for ten years, where the bread was produced each day.

Here in Karekare, I have converted a garage and glasshouse into a production space for artisan breads. The results of my efforts combined with my snazzy new wood fired oven will be available to anyone who wants to trade. While bartering is encouraged, cash sales are also welcome. The baking will be happening four days a week on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Friday and Saturdays. Production of fresh sourdough loaves and organic baguettes will available be on a regular basis and sporadic treats will come and go. Orders can be placed on this site as well as in person or by dropping a note in my mail box (138 Farm [LK] rd) or by phone. (please do not leave orders with Desmond and Lillian yet, they still need training) The land line is 812 8719. Special orders for bread and desserts are welcomed. Call if you need something baked. Bookmark and Watch this space for photos and videos of current offerings. Regular Piha delivery on Thursday and Saturday and ordering and handing off of baked goods at the Lone Kauri Community School at 9am and 3pm.

1 comment:

  1. hey, sweetfunnykate, i would like to trade a small photo of three stones for a loaf of bread. do you deliver to medford? our address is 24 north groveland. let me know.
