
Friday, June 11, 2010

The Bread Classes

My experience teaching bread classes has been one of the highlights of the Greenhouse Daylight Bakery project. I have taught two classes and hope to be scheduling more as there are still more interested pupils in the area.

My first baking class went well and had 10 students in all. We had pleasant weather and the group was about half men and half women. We used the wood fired oven to bake off some bread and made doughs to bake the next day at our respective homes. Sourdough is such a personal artform. A lot of different things work for a lot of different people. It is so fascinating to hear stories of how people obtain and use starters. It was nice to have a spiffed up house and some artful refreshments. Many of the participants were from the Slow foods Waitakere group.

The other group lesson was a collection of local residents, each one chose an idea or two (from favorite products Ive made) and that became the class agenda. I'll be doing more because it's not only fun, it brings in some extra dough.

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